Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Phineas and Ferb

Now a lot of people believe that after a certain age one shouldn't watch cartoons,  or even the Disney channel at that, but I have a particular believe that Phineas and Ferb is essential to anyones life. There is a highlight to the end of each of my work days that is this cartoon. Although intended for children the moral backgrounds and intriguing judgements displayed throughout the duration of the show tend to entertain a more advanced mind as well. The program plays for a duration of thirty minute segments but there are three to four different segments placed in sequencial order.
The show is about two young boys who are trying to entertain themselves and their friends throughout the summer vacation. Both with a high intellect so they tend to invent different constructs that all have a different purpose but ultimately helping them escape boredom. They have an older sister that tends to try and tattle on them for the things they bulild but for some reason the items always disperse in some form or fashion by the time Candice is able to get their mother to look. The show has a sub show in  it as well, The boys pet platypus Perry, is a secret agent and tries and succeeds to stop his nemesis Doofinshbergs evil experiments. The show may seem child like but the comedic aspect mixed with the educational / moral glue tends to allow the mind of older people the glory of enjoying. This example of electronmic media seperates the age boundaries and allows the ability to simply enjoy a national past time of television watching.
cartoon example
Hey Phineas...What You Doing?

Trying to Be Brief

My name is Anthony Marcus Wright, currently I am a Mass Communications major focusing on the Public Relations aspect of things. My minor is marketing and seems to be more of my calling. I am currently on course to graduate from UWG this upcoming December 2011. Recently i have taken on the responsibility of playing for a intramural football team titled the "Real Deal," hopefully with the talent to go to state and bring West Georgia another trophy. This September I will be sworn into the United States Navy with a planned departure in the Sping of 2012, secretly hoping they station me in Japan or California.
I was born in Washington, D.C and raised in Fort Washington, MD. From there i moved to Georgia and graduated from Fayette County Hig School in Fayetteville, GA. "I have grown to adjust to the accents and am regretingly picking up one myself.  Other than the geographic change there is not much more to tell. Oh yeah I am alspo a work-a-holic, i have a habit of wanting nice things and the oly way to acquire them is through money whch is stimulated from working. Thats me in a Nutshell.